HC Technologies product range integrated on Kheiron

Dear followers, as you know the production team at IoThink Solutions constantly works on decoding and integrating new IoT devices into the KheironStudio public library.
Among our 1000 references, we have added the HC Technologies sensors which can be used for reading and transmitting values for various use cases such as: temperature, illumination, liquid levels, gas detection, location, presence, humidity, … and many others.
Discover our Spanish partner and device maker HC Technologies: https://www.hc-technologies.com/
Instead, for additional information about our IoT platform Kheiron or to check out our dashboards, you can reach out to us: sales@iothink-solutions.com
#IoThink #MakeIoTSimple #IoT #Kheiron #KSP #KheironServicePlatform #HCTechnologies #IoTsensors #IoTplatform