We have integrated 3 sensors from MG Instruments

IoThink Solutions has now integrated into its IoT platform Kheiron, 3 sensors from MG Instruments: MG-IOT-T, MG-IOT-2T1P and MG-IOT-SOLA.
Here are the main features of these new devices:
– MG-IOT-T: this sensor is a Sigfox temperature transmitter and can be used to measure either indoor or outdoor temperature;
– MG-IOT-2T1P: this is a Sigfox temperature transmitter and pulse counter. You can be alerted by e-mail (on a state or an exceeded threshold);
– MG-IOT-SOLA: this device is a Sigfox solar radiation transmitter. It also has two external temperature probes.
For more information about this device maker, check out their (FR) website: MG Instruments
And to discover how we can assist you with your ambient monitoring use cases, this is here: https://iothink-solutions.com/iot-platform-kheiron/
To learn more about our partnership with Soracom, click here!